(2018) 2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 109–122
Title of the article Features of a Pre-trial Investigation of the Unauthorized Abandonment of a Military Unit or Place of Service
PhD in Law, Docent, head, department of initial and continuous training of military prosecutors, Institute for Continuing Professional Development, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, nik_turkot@ukr.net
PhD in Law, Docent, senior lecturer, department of initial and continuous training of military prosecutors, Institute for Continuing Professional Development, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, ganova@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 2
Pages [109–122]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract In spite of the conscientious and honest fulfillment by the overwhelming majority of servicemen of military service duties, there are cases of unauthorized abandonment of military units or service places in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In case of such a criminal act, the serviceman violently violates military discipline, requirements of military oath and statutes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In this way, s/he takes on various forms of deception of the military command. Evasion from military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in conditions of protection of the state from external aggression, military actions in the east of the country poses a serious threat to the security of the state in the field of defense, limits the combat capability and mobilization readiness of military units. Taking into account the above, the study of the features of the methodology for investigating this crime is very relevant.
The purpose of the article is to formulate certain forensis recommendations regarding the methodology of a pre-trial investigation of such crimes.
Separate tactical features of a pre-trial investigation of the unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or place of service are considered. The sequence of activity of a prosecutor and an investigator in detecting a crime, stipulated by Art. 407 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the grounds for submitting the relevant information to the Uniform Register of Pre-trial Investigations (URPI), typical investigative situations at the beginning of a pre-trial investigation are defined. The circumstances, forming the subject of proving in criminal proceedings about the unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or place of service, are studied. The peculiarities of conducting investigatory (search) actions in such criminal proceedings, detention of servicemen (the military, reservists at the time of the meeting) are revealed.
The necessity of thorough checking of sources of information about a crime and materials, which serve as the basis for making the relevant information to the URPI, is substantiated. It is noted that during the investigation of the crime set out in Art. 407 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the obligatory establishment of the circumstances, purpose, motives, reasons, and way of the unauthorized abandonment by a serviceman of a military unit or place of service is subject to mandatory. The algorithm of actions of an investigator and a prosecutor in the case if the serviceman is not detained and it is necessary to establish his/her place of stay is offered. Recommendations are given regarding investigative (search) actions, which it is expedient to carry out in order to find out the above-mentioned circumstances.
It is recommended to follow the features studied by the authors of the article while planning the pre-trial investigation, organization and conduct of investigative (search) actions, detention of servicemen (those who are liable for military service, reservists at the time of the meeting), and the selection of precautionary measures.
Keywords serviceman; unauthorized abandonment of the military unit; place of service; pre-trial investigation; investigative (search) actions; detention.
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